National Federation of Priests’ Councils:
...well-documented and researched as well as provocative and challenging...a must read for church leaders and the hierarchy.
American Psychological Association Review of Books, psychCritiques:
...a fair, broad, well-supported, passionate work... anyone concerned with healthy religious behavior and belief, genuine human spirituality, and religious reform will find the book a worthwhile read.
CHOICE Magazine:
...Selected as one of their 2007 Outstanding Books: Important reading those working with minors and concerned about issues of sexual abuse.
Newsletter, Division of Trauma Psychology(56), American Psychological Association:
...scholarship that cannot be matched and that has culminated in a definitive expose of the scandal and its origins.
...a worthwhile compilation on an important and difficult subject ... worth reading by any therapist working with a victim of clerical abuse.
The Midwest Book Review:
...scrutinizes the severe problem (of clerical sexual abuse) from all angles ... Highly recommended.
Sex Roles: A Journal of Research:
...of great benefit to anyone who wants to gain insight in the sexual abuse crisis: its effects on the victims, on the Catholic Church as an institution, and its broader impact on American religion and society.
...a very important book. It enriches a all-too-small literature on supervision and consultation. ... the authors show their talent at capturing the real drama of clinical and supervisory work...
The Psychoanalytic Quarterly: engaging, clearly written, and intriguing addition to our literature, one deserving of our attention.
Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association:
...extends the intellectual vigor and clinical relevance of multiple ways of knowing to the supervisory process in a manner that is accessible, thought-provoking, and immediately useful....
Pastoral Sciences:
I strongly recommend it for those involved in the process of supervision.
Social Work Today:
...well thought-out and clearly presented. The relational model of supervision would be useful in any supervisor-supervisee relationship...
Psychoanalytic Social Work:
...includes many case examples, which beautifully illustrate the authors’ ideas.
...integrates psychoanalytic thinking with the latest findings from the literature of psychological trauma and sexual abuse.
Stephen A. Mitchell: invaluable guide to the tangles maze of conceptual and technical problems involved in treating survivors of childhood sexual abuse.
Jessica Benjamin: immense achievement.
Associate Editor, The North Carolina Psychologist, Newsletter of the North Carolina Psychological Association.
Monthly Columnist, National Catholic Reporter. Focused on the sexual abuse crisis in the Church.
Editorial Board, Studies in Gender and Sexuality: Psychoanalysis, Cultural Studies, Treatment, Research.
Editorial Board (emeritus), Journal of Trauma & Dissociation.
Editorial Board, Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice & Policy.
Advisory Board, Psychoanalytic Perspectives: A Journal of Integration and Innovation.
Guest Editor, Special Issues of Studies in Gender & Sexuality: Psychoanalysis, Cultural Studies, Treatment, Research.
Volume 5, No. 1: The Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Catholic church, Part 1: Parishioners
Volume 5, No. 2: The Sexual Abuse Crisis and the Catholic church, Part 2: Priests.
See PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA for all of Dr. Frawley-O’Dea’s publications.