Dr. Frawley-O’Dea has held faculty positions at:
Adelphi University Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program
Adelphi University Post-Doctoral Program in Psychoanalysis & Advanced Psychotherapy
Carolina Institute for Clinical Pastoral Training
Levine Psychiatric Residency Program, Atrium Health
Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis
Minnesota Institute for Contemporary Psychoanalysis
National Institute for the Psychotherapies
Psychoanalytic Education Center of the Carolinas
Contemporary Theories of Gender & Sexuality
Psychodynamic Supervision
Psychological Testing
Theory & Treatment of Psychological Trauma
Transference & Countertransference
Theory & Treatment of Adverse Childhood Experiences: to second and third year psychiatry residents, Levine Psychiatric Residency Program, Atrium Health, Charlotte.
Clergy Boundary Training: Pastoral Care Course, Union Presbyterian Seminary, Charlotte, NC. Teach yearly four-hour course on the psychology of boundaries and
Private supervision for psychologists, clinical social workers, pastoral counselors, and other mental health professionals.
Supervision in the Second Century: American Psychological Association, Division 39; Grand Rounds North Shore Hospital; Vermont Psychoanalytic Society; Rockland County (NY) Clinical Social Workers Society; Tufts University; North Carolina Psychoanalytic Society; Massachusetts Psychoanalytic Institute.
Patients, Politics, and Psychotherapy: The Vicissitudes of Traumatic Memory: Long Island Hospital; Nassau County Inns of Court; Grand Rounds Four Winds Psychiatric Hospital; Grand Rounds Jamaica Hospital; Grand Rounds New York University Medical Center; International Society for the Study of Trauma.
Clergy Sexual Abuse: Televised address to the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops; American Psychological Association Division 39; National Institute for the Psychotherapies; Voice of the Faithful; Boston College Church in the 21st Century; St. Anthony’s Parish Advent Lecture Series, Nanuet, NY; Conference of Major Superiors of Men National Assembly; Conference on Sexual Abuse in the Church - Charlotte, NC., Annual Conference, Voice of the Faithful of Naples, FL.
The Therapeutic Relationship: New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis & Psychotherapy; Colloquium Long Island University Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program; Tufts University. Hamms Clinic (MN), American Psychological Association, Presbyterian Samaritan Counseling Center (NC), Israeli Rape Crisis Centers, Southeast Region of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.
When Mourning Never Comes: Why Individuals, Families, Organizations and Nations Need to Mourn and What Happens When They Do Not: William Alanson White Institute; Voice of the Faithful, Naples, Fl; National Association of Psychoanalytic Social Workers, Durham, NC.
Sexual Abuse of Minors: Facts & Figures, Long-Term Effects, Traumatic Memories, Treatment Issues, Protecting Your Child
Clergy Sexual Misconduct
Clinical Supervision
The Therapeutic Relationship
Professional Groups
Psychiatric Grand Rounds
Out-Patient Clinics
Teacher Workshops
PTA Groups
Community Groups
Clergy Conferences
Faith Communities